Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tuesday 22Jun10

Why does it seem like every time I talk to my mother in law is like talking to a brick wall nothing get though. Tosh is sick with the chicken pox really bad case (most likely cause she is older) so she cant come. I get that if her case wasn't so bad I said sent her anyway and Lisa said she wouldn't risk the babies health. Hello!!!! I am a Corpsman what is she?? Nothing in the medical field. I also work at a major Medical Center. there is no risk to the baby if the mother has had chicken pox before or if she has been immunized. Lisa would not listen at all, Connie (again no medical training) some how convinced her that if I was exposed then Kennedy would get it in-vetro. GAH!!!! I am not saying I know everything there is to know about medical stuff but I have a hell of a lot more experience then they do and current up to date experience I also have a ton more resources working were I do to get things answered.

ok enough ranting

1. OB appt went great Kennedy is doing great. All labs came back normal so did the US. I have only gained 6lbs which is right where I should be.

2.  Fav line from Sundays Trueblood: Jason - "and Santa?" lol Sookie was telling Jason all the stuff that we all though was myth was real.

3. KJ and Char actually fought over and empty cardboard box yesterday. I have box kids :)

4. Very sad Tosh cant come now we don't really have another time this summer that would work cause her B-day is July 15th and her big party is last Saturday that month and my parents are coming up first week in August then she has to get ready for school and stuff. I feel bad I really wanted her to come.

5. I found out that I get July 5th off which is cool Free Monday!!

1 comment:

  1. This may not help but Connie is (or at least used to be) an RN. But they're wrong. I agree with you one-hundred percent.
