Friday, June 18, 2010

Randoms for Friday

1. When I filled up my gas tank yesterday it stop exacting at $27 weird (i was bad and let if go past half a tank but been at crazy week)

2. Have to get the Car inspected this month hope to do it today if I get out in time.

3. I hate hot weather! my feet are already puffy and I am not even that Pregnant yet.

4. 23 weeks today

5. Char been getting up at 10 or 11 every night just to cuddle.

6. KJ Played "house" with his matchbox cars yesterday

1 comment:

  1. 1. I LOVE that Char is a cuddle bug... I can't wait until I can see her again!
    2. KJ is officially my hero. That's pretty much the coolest thing EVER!
