Thursday, August 5, 2010


I know I know don't need to yell at me I haven't posted in forever. I was at a place where everything was grumpy so I didn't want to have a blog where all I do is complain so I didn't post for a bit. I try to be a good mix of good and bad what is actually going on with me.

1. KJ starts school Sept 7th!!! He will do have half days 5 days a week with 1 hour of speech therapy mixed in. Not sure of which school or if its mornings or afternoons yet but he will get picked up and dropped off by the school. That is awesome for me that was the biggest worry I had was how were we gonna get him to and from school.

2. 10 Weeks Left! or less I will most likely get to set up my c-section on my next appt on the 23rd.

3. My sister Karen rocks! She sent  2 boxes of baby stuff and her extra car seat for Kennedy! One less thing that I have to buy.

4. My Dad and Susan should be here tonight or early tomorrow morning.

5. My Dad turns 60 on the 29th wow! he so doesn't look his age most people think he is at least 10 years younger. well he got like 40 or so more years to go my Great Uncle Frank is gonna be 99 this year so long life on that side of the family.

6. Char had another painting episode in her room very thankful for my Bissell Little Green makes getting poop off the carpets so much easier.

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